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> Cancerul - o noua abordare, terapii alternative in lupta cu cancerul
post May 19 2009, 12:46 PM
Post #1


O sa incalc putin niste reguli ale forumului, si anume o sa postez in engleza, dar pentru ca mi se pare ca intr-adevar merita sa postez aceste informatii avand in vedere subiectul discutat eu zic ca se justifica. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Este vorba de un sumar al unei carti pe care l-am gasit intamplator si in care se discuta despre cancer intr-un mod mai deosebit.
Cartea se numeste Cancer is Not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism By Andreas Moritz si mie mi se par de bun simt si demne de luat in considerare teoriile propuse. Sunt curioasa insa si de parerea voastra.

Although the author, Andreas Moritz has attempted to give a profound understanding of the topics discussed and to ensure accuracy and completeness of all information, it is for informative purposes only. Andreas, the publisher and Health Book Summaries assume no responsibility.


This book is for those who are sufficiently open-minded to consider the possibility that cancer and other debilitating disorders are not actual diseases, but desperate and final attempts by the body to stay alive for as long as circumstances permit.

You may be shocked to learn that a person grows cancer cells in order to keep them from dying of the real causes of illness. Cancer will only occur after the body's main defense or healing mechanisms have already failed.

There is a lack of knowledge about the reasons behind tumor growth, which have caused the current view that cancer cells are vicious monsters that have no other purpose but to torture and kill us. In truth, cancer is on our side, not against us.

If you have cancer, and cancer is part of the body's complex survival responses and not a disease, as suggested in this book, it is essential to ask the following important questions:

* What reasons coerce your body into developing cancer cells?
* Once you have identified these reasons, will you be able to remove them?
* What determines the type and severity of cancer with which you are afflicted?
* If cancer is a survival mechanism, what needs to be done to prevent the body from taking recourse to such drastic measures of self-preservation?
* Since the body's original genetic design always favors the continuance of life and protection against adversities of any kind, why would the body permit self-destruction?
* Why do almost all cancers disappear by themselves, without medical intervention?
* Do radiation, chemotherapy and surgery actually cure cancer, or do cancer survivors heal due to other reasons, in spite of these radical, side-effect-loaded treatments?
* What roles do fear, frustration, low self-worth and repressed anger play in the origination and outcome of cancer?
* What is the spiritual growth lesson behind cancer?

Cancer appears to be a highly confusing and unpredictable disorder. It can strike at anyone at any time. But when truly looking at the reasons behind the development of cancer cells, it appears that cancer is not as coincidental or unpredictable as it seems to be.

Most people with cancer have a certain pattern of thinking, believing and feeling in common. Most of them feel burdened by some poor self-image, unresolved conflict and worries, and past emotional conflict or trauma that still lingers in their subconscious mind and cellular memories. Cancer, the physical disease, generally occurs when there is a strong undercurrent of emotional uneasiness and deep-seated frustration.

Cancer can actually be a way of revealing the source of unresolved, inner conflict. Cancer can help people to heal life long conflicts and issues. The way to take out weeds is to pull them out along with their roots. This is how we must treat cancer; otherwise, it may recur eventually.

Cancer does not cause a person to be sick; it is the sickness of the person that causes the cancer. Successfully treating cancer requires the patient to become whole again on all levels of his body, mind and spirit.

To truly cure cancer is not about destroying other vital parts of the body. It happens only when the causes of excessive growth of cancer cells have been removed or stopped. Most people treat cancer if it were a disease rather than attending to its root causes.

Chapter One: Cancer Is Not a Disease

Cancer is a word that is given incredible power. The word "cancer" has the potential to play a very disturbing and precarious role in your life, one that is capable of delivering a death sentence. Within a brief moment, the word "cancer" can turn someone's entire world upside down.

Who or what gave this simple word or statement such great power that it can preside over life and death? Could it actually be that our collective, social conviction that cancer is a killer disease as well as the aggressive treatments that follow diagnosis, are largely responsible for its recent dramatic escalation?

Cancer can have no power or control over you, unless you allow it to grow in response to the beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, thoughts, and feelings you have, as well as the life choices you make.

Most people know that drinking water from a filthy pond or polluted lake can cause life-threatening diarrhea. Yet, relatively few people realize that holding on to resentment, anger, and fear, avoiding exposure to the sun and eating junk foods can also kill a person, it may just take longer.

Cancer is merely an indication that something is missing in our body and in our life.

Healing Cancer Versus Fighting It

True healing requires you to stop fighting; for fighting is what actually prevents a true cure.

The perception of "cancer" as a killer disease by professionals and lay people has turned it into a disorder with tragic consequences for the majority of today's cancer patients and their families. Cancer has become synonymous with extraordinary suffering, pain, and death.

Yet in truth, most cancers appear and disappear of their own accord. Not a day passes without the body making millions of cancer cells. Some people, under severe temporary stress, make more cancer cells than usual and form clusters of cancerous cells that disappear again once they feel better. Medical research shows that secretions of the DNA's powerful anticancer drug, Interleukin II, drop under physical and mental duress and increase again when the person becomes relaxed and joyful, revealing that stress is an underlying cause of cancer. However, people are generally not under severe stress all the time. Therefore, most cancers vanish without any form of medical intervention and without causing any real harm.

Relatively few cancers actually become "terminal" or are even detected. The vast majority of cancers remain undiagnosed and are not found until autopsy. Most people don't die of cancer, they don't even have any symptoms that would cause a doctor to suspect cancer. Thirty to 40 times as many cases of thyroid, pancreatic, and prostate cancer are found in autopsy than are detected by doctors. Screening often leads to unnecessary treatment.

The problem is that people who are diagnosed are terrified and they submit their bodies to these cutting/burning/poisoning procedures that cause more harm.

The most pressing question is not, "How advanced or dangerous is my cancer?" but, "What am I doing or not doing that puts my body into a situation of having to fight for its life?" Why do some people get through cancer easily and others don't? What triggers healing and what prevents the body from healing cancer naturally? What makes cancer so dangerous, if indeed it is dangerous at all?

Extensive scientific research over the past 10 years has proved that genes do not cause disease, but are, in fact, influenced and altered by changes in the environment throughout life. Genes change in an abnormal way only when they are under stress, whether from food additives like Aspartame and MSG; an antibiotic or steroid drug; crossing a busy highway; the fear of facing an angry spouse or authority figure; or a profound sense of insecurity.

Allopathic medicine has a name for this normal response by cells under prolonged stress: "chronic disease."

Cancer occurs when cellular balance is threatened and the cell has to take recourse to more extreme measures of defending or protecting itself. The possibility that cancer is a survival mechanism has never been considered in cancer treatments, and this has fatal consequences.

The drug companies reporting their findings to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only need to prove that the tested drugs have shown some benefit in some people. If the researchers manage to recruit enough candidates that are likely to produce a good placebo response to the drug treatment, they can make it a marketable drug. FDA approval is granted to anti-cancer drugs based on response rates that are at best in the 10-20 percent range.

In addition, the "success" of cancer studies are measured by tumor shrinkage instead of mortality rate, so even if the subject dies, as long as the tumors shrink it is considered successful.

For many cancer patients whose immune systems are already compromised, just one dose of chemotherapy or radiation can turn out to be fatal.

The success record of modern cancer therapy is significantly less than even the weakest placebo response. On the average, remission occurs in only about 7 percent of cancer patients. Moreover, there is no evidence that this discouragingly low 7 percent"success rate" results from the treatments offered, they may have disappeared anyway. This is more likely, since not treating cancer at all has a much higher success rate than treating it.

Although only 2 - 4 percent of cancers respond to chemotherapy, it has now become standard procedure to prescribe chemo drugs for most cancers. The percentage of people with cancer in the U.S. who receive chemotherapy is 75%. (August 2008)

The cancer industry tries to use statistical "evidence" to convince you that you need to entrust your life into their hands.

The survival statistics of the American Cancer Society are very misleading because they count things that are not cancer, and, because we are able to diagnose at an earlier stage of the disease, patients falsely appear to live longer. In truth, more people over 30 are dying from cancer than ever before, but more women with mild or benign diseases are being included in statistics and reported as being 'cured'.

Energy and Information

According to the laws of quantum physics, in any scientific experiment the observer (a researcher) influences and alters the object of observation on a very fundamental level. This applies to the human body as well, as it is composed of energy and information. Although something may appear to be as solid, it is only perception that makes it appear so.

Your thoughts also are merely forms of energy and information that influence other forms of energy and information, including the cells of your body. If you believe strongly enough that you have cancer or if you are afraid of it, you face a significant risk of manifesting it in your body.


Chemotherapy is so poisonous that leaking a few drops of the drug onto your hand can severely burn it. Spilling any chemotherapeutic drug in the hospital is classified as a major biohazard and it requires specialists with space-suits to dispose of it. Just imagine the holes chemotherapy creates inside blood vessels, lymphatic ducts, and organ tissues when you undergo infusion after infusion!

The methods of modern medicine don't fight disease, they fight the body. Disease is the body's way of healing itself, and modern treatment is a sure way to impair or even destroy this ability.

Could it possibly be that cancer is not a disease, but a survival mechanism of the body designed to remove toxins that are causing harm? If so, would it not make more sense to support the body in its natural drive to remove such obstructions rather than to suppress its effort with aggressive, destructive means? When the body is in balance, there is no further need for the body to continue relying on such a desperate survival mechanism as cancer.

Most people in the Western world turn to a doctor for every little problem they have.

The food and medical industries have been manipulated for profit and control. Today, the masses no longer think for themselves and have lost trust in their innate and instinctive healing ability. They turn to an industry that has no interest in keeping them healthy.

Many natural cures for cancer exist, more now than ever, but none of them are being researched, endorsed, or promoted by those who claim to be the health custodians of the nation. The American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the American Medical Association (AMA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the major oncology centers all feel threatened by the successes of alternative cancer therapies.

A solution to cancer would mean the end of many institutions that create money and glory for many people. Natural therapies must be disbelieved, denied, discouraged and disallowed at all costs.

According to independent reports by the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, a wing of the American Congress, and the World Health Organization (WHO), 85-90 percent of all medical procedures used by today's medical establishment are unproved and not backed up by scientific research.

The symptom-oriented approach to treating disease generates a tremendous number of potential symptomatic side effects that, in turn, require further treatment.

It is not in the best interest of the medical industry, including the pharmaceutical companies, to find a real cure for cancer or for any other chronic illnesses, for this would make the treatment of disease symptoms obsolete.

At least 900,000 people die each year in the United States alone because of side effects caused by these symptom-suppressing, alleviating approaches.

This is not to say that this trend is entirely the fault of the medical system. People must also take responsibility for themselves, for their physical and emotional health.

Cancer or Treatment?

Many people don't actually experience any symptoms until their treatment when they lose their hair, their skin turns grey, their voice goes hoarse and they feel ill and fatigued.

In 1990, German epidemiologist Dr. Ulrich Abel from the Tumor Clinic of the University of Heidelberg comprehensively investigated every major clinical study on chemotherapy drugs from 350 medical centers. He also reviewed and analyzed thousands of scientific articles published in the most prestigious medical journals. Abel's data was published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy in 1992 and concluded that there is no scientific evidence available in any existing study to show that chemotherapy can "extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers."

Many doctors go as far as prescribing chemotherapy drugs to patients for malignancies that are far too advanced for surgery, with the full knowledge that there are no benefits at all, since it achieves a 50 percent or more reduction in tumor size for 28 days. Temporary tumor shrinkage through chemotherapy has never been shown to cure cancer or to extend life.

Chemotherapy has never been shown to have curative effects for cancer. By contrast, the body can heal itself, which it actually tries to do by developing cancer. Cancer is a healing response rather than a disease. The disease in the body is caused by an existing imbalance. This healing response may continue even if a person is subjected to chemotherapy (and/or radiation). Unfortunately, the chances for a real cure are greatly reduced when patients are treated with chemotherapy drugs.

The side effects of the treatment can be horrendous and heartbreaking for both patients and their loved ones, far more than the side effects of the cancer.

Before committing themselves to being poisoned, cancer patients need to question their doctors and ask them to produce the research or evidence that shrinking a tumor actually translates to any increase in survival.

What Is Cancer?

According to our current medical model, cancer is a general term that describes a group of 100 unique diseases that are characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.

If the body is designed to live and not to destroy itself, why then would it suddenly allow the growth of extra cell tissue and kill itself? The main obstacle to finding real cures for cancer is that modern cancer treatment is rooted in the false assumption that the body sometimes tries to destroy itself.

While illness appears to be something destructive and harmful for the body, it is actually an attempt by the body to cleanse and heal itself, or at least, to prolong its life. Cancer cells are not part of a malicious attack on healthy cells and the body. Cancer cells, like all other cells, know that if the body dies, they will die as well.

The drastic reduction or shutdown of vital nutrient supplies to the cells of an organ is not primarily a consequence of a cancerous tumor, but actually its biggest cause.

Cancer cells are normal, healthy cells that have mutated genetically so that they can live in an environment where oxygen is not available. When cells are deprived of vital oxygen (their primary source of energy), some of them will die, but others will manage to alter their genetic software program and mutate in a most ingenious way so that they can live without oxygen.

Current statistical information shows that treating cancer with suppressive methods, e.g. radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery reduces the chance of complete remission from 28 percent to 7 percent or less.

This is similar to when infections are "prevented" or suppressed through medical interventions and the liver and kidneys become less efficient in keeping the body's cell tissues free of harmful toxins, as well as the as the immune, lymphatic and digestive systems.

Cancer cells are normal, oxygen-dependent cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to survive in an oxygen-deprived environment. To treat cancer as if it were an illness without removing its underlying cause is nothing but malpractice.

A lack of oxygen causes a healthy cell to abandon its original genetic design and stop using oxygen. Cancer cells do not cause, but prevent death, at least for a while, until the wasting away of an organ leads to the demise of the entire organism. If the causes for the cancer are properly taken care of, such an outcome can be avoided.

Cancer is not a disease; it is the final and most desperate survival mechanism the body has. It only takes control of the body when all other measures of self-preservation have failed.

Chapter Two: Cancer's Physical Causes

To discover and understand the physical causes of cancer, you will first need to let go of the idea that cancer is a powerful disease that must be fought.

Healing is accepting, allowing and supporting, not fighting or resisting. Spontaneous remissions occur when the body can use its maximum healing capacity because it is not preoccupied with a fight or flight response situation caused by stress.

There is something to be learned from every situation, including having cancer. A person's willingness to face, accept and learn from the issues that cancer brings up turns this dis-ease into a purposeful, potentially uplifting and sometimes even euphoric experience.

There is an underlying cause of every situation, even if it seems unrelated. You as consciousness, soul or spirit, are the only true source of that energy and information that run your body. Your presence in the body and what you do, eat, drink, feel and think determine how well your genes are able to control and sustain your physical existence.

Disease is a provider of new life. Cancer only strikes when a part or parts of us are not alive anymore, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Cancer can resurrect these numbed, suppressed, or congested areas, whether they are physical or non-physical in nature.

The majority of the medical and lay population holds the belief that the gradual "degradation" of normal cells into cancer cells is due to random mistakes that the body somehow makes, perhaps because of hereditary reasons, often called genetic predisposition. This theory not only defies logic, but also the intrinsic purpose of evolution.

These kinds of cancer cells are created everyday to make certain that the immune system remains stimulated enough to keep its defense and self-purification capability efficient and up-to-date.

The cancer is not a disease but an extended immune response to help clear up an existing condition of congestion that suffocates a group of cells. Why would the immune system try to hinder the body's efforts to prevent this congestion? Cancer cells are far too precious and too useful for the body to eliminate them. Cancer cells do not randomly spread throughout the body. They lodge themselves in places that are also congested, places that are oxygen-deprived.
Stages of Cancer
1. Congestion
When there is congestion in an area, cancer begins. Like traffic that cannot flow due to an accident, there is congestion because of a holdup.

2. The Holdup
A holdup can be generated by thickened blood vessel walls, which prevent the proper passage of oxygen, water, glucose and other vital nutrients from the blood to the cells. This could be due to the consumption of red meat, smoking and trans fats. Cancer and heart disease generally share the same causes.

3. Lymphatic Blockage
The degree of nourishment, health and efficiency of the cells depends on how swiftly and completely waste material is removed through the lymphatic system.

4. Chronic Digestive Problems
Prior to experiencing chronic lymph congestion, a person has long-term difficulty with digesting food. Improperly digested foods become a breeding place for toxic compounds that can affect cellular behavior.

5. Liver Bile Duct Obstruction
Gallstones are not only found in the gallbladder, but also in the bile ducts of the liver. Cancer patients and those suffering from arthritis, heart disease, liver disease, and other chronic illnesses, appear to have the most stones in their liver. Gallstones in the liver are the main impediment to acquiring and maintaining good health, youthfulness, and vitality. They are one of the major reasons people become ill and have difficulty recuperating from illness, including cancer.

Common Reasons that Cause Cancer Cells to Form Include:

* Unnatural foods and beverages, red meat and fried foods.
* Food that goes in the microwave
* Cell phone and wireless device radiation.
* Gum disease and cancer are linked, possibly due to an increase in inflammation that can be spread throughout the body.
* Sunglasses and sunscreens cause cancer because they don't allow the body to get enough ultraviolet light, which is one of the most powerful natural medicines in the world. Sunlight is proven to be a beneficial treatment of almost every type of illness and cancer. It provides vitamin D and raises serotonin levels in the brain. (cu partea asta nu prea sunt de acord, din proprie experienta)
* Toxic cosmetics
* Some of the most powerful direct and indirect causes of cancer are pharmaceutical drugs.

Chapter Three: Demystifying Cancer

Cancer's Emotional Causes
Whatever happens in our emotional body also occurs in our physical body. The real cancer is a trapped and isolated emotion, a feeling of "having no choice." The mind and body are connected, and any repressed feelings of wanting and deserving harmony, peace, stability, and a simple sense of joy in life are translated into appropriate biochemical responses in the body.

Whatever you keep to yourself out of fear of being criticized or hurt, actually turns into poisons in the body. (Cu asta sunt 100% de acord, tot din proprie experienta, pt ca de fiecare data cand incerc sa imi reprim vreo traire, am o criza de fiere ciudata in care efectiv parca vars otrava, in conditiile in care mi-am facut toate analizele si nu am probleme cu fierea si ficatul de nici un fel)

Cancer is a Response to Rejection

All events in life that appear to be negative are unique opportunities to become more complete and whole inside and to move forward in life. Whenever we need to give ourselves more love, time, and appreciation but fail to fulfill these essential needs, someone or something in our life will push us in that direction.

Feeling rejected by or being disappointed and angry with another person highlights a lack in taking responsibility for the negative things that happen to us. Blaming oneself or someone else for an unfortunate situation results in the feeling of being a victim and is likely to manifest itself as disease. Moreover, if we cannot understand the accompanying message of our illness, we may even have to face death to appreciate life or living.

Cancer can actually be viewed as a way out of a deadlocked situation that paralyzes the heart of a person. It helps to break down old, rigid patterns of guilt and shame that keep a person imprisoned and bound by a constant sense of poor self-worthiness.

The current medical approach does not target this major issue behind cancer, but the "disease process" does, provided it is allowed to take its course. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery encourage a victim mentality in the patient and are unlikely to heal the root causes of the disease. Cures that are considered miraculous occur when a person becomes free of the need for victim-hood and self-attack.

Furthermore, we need to love every cell in our body, including the cancer cells if we want to live in health and peace. Cutting them out of the body through surgery or destroying them with poisonous drugs or deadly radiation adds even more violence to the body than it already has to deal with.

To help someone who is going through the disease process, allow them to experiences the pain, despair, confusion, loneliness, hopelessness, anger, fear, guilt, and shame that they have been suppressing. If the afflicted person knows that he or she can have all these feelings without having to hide them, cancer can become a very powerful means of self-healing.

Unresolved conflict is mostly likely the starting point of any illness, including cancer.

Cancer is Not Loving Yourself

A great number of people with cancer have devoted their entire lives to helping and supporting others. But if the motivation behind it is to get love in return, it is a result of not loving self. This may lock up unresolved issues, fears, and feelings of unworthiness in the cellular memory of the organs and tissues in the body.

Chapter Four: Body Intelligence in Action
Cancer always manifests as the result of an already toxic state in the body. It is not the cause but the symptom of ill health. Despite huge efforts and expenditures by the medical establishment, mortality rates from cancer have not decreased in over fifty years.

Tumor cells are cells that "panic" due to a lack of food, water, oxygen and space. Survival is their basic genetic instinct, just as it is ours.

Everyone believes that cancer cells are responsible for the death of a person; the whole system is based on this idea. However, cancer cells help a highly congested body survive a little longer than it would without them.

These cells are doing a critical job in a body filled with toxic waste. The cells don't randomly become "poisonous" or malignant; they do it to avoid an immediate catastrophe in the body. If the body dies, it is not because of cancer, but because of the underlying reasons that led up to it.

Tumors act like sponges for the poisons that circulate and accumulate in the blood, lymph and tissue fluids. These poisons are the real cancer, and they continue circulating unless a tumor filters them out. By destroying the tumor, the real cancer keeps circulating until there is a recurrence. Poisons such as chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics make the causes of cancer spread and become more aggressive. The tumor is an outlet for poisons.

The human body is perfect and always pushing us toward health and wellbeing.
The Body's Desperate Attempt to Live
Cells only go into a defensive mode and turn malignant if they need to ensure their own survival, at least for as long as they can. A spontaneous remission occurs when cells no longer need to defend themselves.

Most cancers occur after a number of repeated warnings. These may include:

* Headaches that you continually stop with pain killers.
* Tiredness that you keep suppressing with a cup of coffee, tea, or soda.
* Nervousness you try to control through nicotine.
* Medicines you take to ward off unwanted symptoms.
* Suppressed seasonal head colds.
* Not giving yourself enough time to relax, laugh, and be quiet.
* Conflicts that you keep avoiding.
* Pretending that you are always fine when you are not.
* Having a constant need to please others, while feeling unworthy and unloved by them.
* Possessing low self-confidence that makes you strive constantly to prove yourself to others.
* Rewarding yourself with comfort foods, because you feel undeserving.

Genetic mutation is now believed to be the main cause of cancer; yet in truth it is only an effect of living in toxicity. Cancer is the final attempt of the body to live, and not, as most people assume, to die. Without gene mutation, those cells in the body that live in a toxic, anaerobic environment would simply suffocate and expire.

Why Most Cancers Disappear Naturally

Scientific evidence suggests that most cancers disappear by themselves if left alone. Every toxicity crisis, from a complex cancer to a simple head cold, is actually a healing crisis that, when supported through cleansing can be healed.

Numerous researchers have reported over the years that various conditions such as typhoid fever, coma, menopause, pneumonia, chickenpox and even hemorrhage can spark spontaneous remissions of cancer. They remove large amounts of toxins and help the cells to "breathe" freely again and. Fever, sweat, loss of blood, mucus discharge, diarrhea, and vomiting can get rid of toxins and the immune system receives a much-needed boost.

Because they have no apparent scientific basis, they are not used for further cancer research. Cancer researchers will take no notice of natural cures; they are not trained or paid to do so.

Illness is nothing more than the body's way of getting rid of trapped poisonous substances. Blocking the exit routes for these poisons, which happens when symptoms are treated can suffocate the body and stop its vital functions. The body has an innate tendency and capacity to heal itself. True medical treatment supports the body without interfering with it. This principle applies to cancer, vaccination programs and antibiotics.

Chapter Five
Other causes of cancer include:

* The suppression of children's diseases through unnatural immunization programs can put the children at high risk for eventually developing cancer.
* Wearing bras impair lymph drainage (asta nu prea imi vine sa cred, poate purtarea de sutiene care sunt prea stramte eventual)
* The early puberty and breast cancer link may be caused by rising childhood obesity rates and inactivity, and hormones in food.
* Soy is a cancer and disease-causing food (si asta mi se pare o prostie, poate soia modificata genetic, care e cea mai frecvent intalnita ce-i drept, dar mai este si soia care e ok zic eu si aia are multe efecte bune din cate stiu)
* French fries and other fried, baked or roasted carbohydrate-rich foods contain the chemical acrylamide.
* Toxins contained in air pollution.
* Microwave ovens.

Cancer growth usually occurs in areas of severe dehydration. The cells can run dry for a number of reasons:

* Lack of water intake
* Consumption of beverages that have diuretic effects like coffee, caffeinated tea, soda pop, and alcohol.
* Consumption of stimulating foods or substances, such as meat, hot spices, sugar and tobacco.
* Stress
* Most pharmacological drugs
* Excessive exercise
* Overeating and excessive weight gain
* Watching television daily for several hours

If you have cancer, also avoid:

* Chlorinated water
* Fluoride in municipal drinking water
* Wireless devices (asta e imposibil de evitat, mai nou wirelessul e all around us, poate numa daca ne retragem in munti)
* Pesticides and other chemical toxins
* Hair dye (nici aici nu inteleg ce anume poate fi daunator, amoniacul?)
* Arsenic, asbestos, and nickel
* Teflon (de ce? si in ce mai gatim? :|)
* PVC shower-curtains
* Artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame and Splenda
* Growth hormones in cows milk
* Synthetic vitamins
* Grilling meat, poultry or fish
* High intake of fructose and sucrose
* Smoking cigarettes
* Sunscreens (aici am zis deja ca nu sunt de acord, soarele nu mai este la fel ca acum 50 de ani, sunt de acord ca ai nevoie si de expunere la soare dar jumatate de ora pe zi e mai mult decat suficenta. Decat o arsura solara, mai bine sunscreen, va spun ca sunt patita)
* Night Shift Work
* Blood transfusions

A Few Facts about Mammography:

* Each x-ray you accumulate increases your risk of abnormal cell growth.
* The National Cancer Institute (NCI) reports that among women under 35, mammography could cause far more cases of breast cancer than it
identifies. A Canadian study found a 52 percent increase in breast cancer mortality in young women who have received annual mammograms.

Chapter Six: What You Need to Know to Heal Yourself
Diet and Herbs

* Doing a liver and gallbladder flush
* Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that have cancer-curing and cancer-preventive properties such as Brussels sprouts, kale and cabbage
* Anti-cancerous herbs include aloe vera, cat's claw, black cohosh, schizandra, and astrigalus.

Healing Modalities

* Massage
* Art therapy
* Music therapy
* Dance therapy
* Yoga
* Physical exercise, ideally in natural light
* Regular exposure to sunlight, without using sunscreens
* Hypnosis
* Biofeedback

Other Anti Cancerous Practices

* Get plenty of sunlight
* Get plenty of sleep
* Maintain regular meal times
* Eat a vegan or vegetarian diet
* Get regular exercise

Anti-Cancer Products that May be More Effective than Chemo

* Graviola
* Miracle Mineral Supplement
* Ojibwa Herb Tea-8-Herb Essiac
* A bicarbonate and maple syrup cleanse
* Marine phytoplankton

Other Useful Cancer Therapies

* Ayurveda's Pancha Karma treatment and herbal remedies
* Hydrazine Sulfate
* Antineoplaston Therapy
* Acupuncture
* Bioelectric Therapy
* Bioresonance Therapy
* Royal Rife Machine Therapy
* Gerson Therapy
* Hoxsey Therapy

(fiind un rezumat de carte nu zice fiecare ce inseamna, doar le insiruie (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) )


He who finds purpose and meaning in the occurrence of a cancer will also find the way to cure it. Tracing a cancer back to its origins is the key to true healing.

Tumors of any kind are direct manifestations of fear. Fear is synonymous with separation and defensiveness. Resistance to cancer cells keeps them in that state. They heal spontaneously when your resistance disappears and you are able to replace this attitude with one of acceptance and, yes, love. When you consciously accept/embrace your resistances you will not only lose the fear, but the body's cells can return to their natural balance and health. Cleansing, pampering and nourishing the body are acts of accepting responsibility for what is happening to you and you become in control of your body and life.

Taking your power back where it belongs and letting go of external crutches like suppressive drugs, aggressive treatments, and surgery are essential for healing your body, mind, and emotions.
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post May 19 2009, 03:13 PM
Post #2


Si eu tind sa cred ca functioneaza treaba cu gandirea pozitiva, si vindecarea prin propriile forte, dar intr-adevar, cand de mic stii ca o boala precum cancerul ucide, nu prea mai poti tu sa stai linistit, gandit ca organismul se va descurca singur-singurel.

Dar ma gandeam ca totusi si animalele fac cancer, fara sa manace prajeli sau se se streseze (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post May 19 2009, 03:40 PM
Post #3


Ce bine-ar fi daca ar fi atat de simplu cum zice nenea asta! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/closedeyes.gif)
Mie nu mi-a zis nimic nou, e plin de generalitati care nu ne fac bine si esoterisme. Eu am cunoscut lume care putea scrie o astfel de carte cel putin la fel de bine, isi rasneau si grauntele din care-si faceau painea, meditau, bla, bla. Si-au murit. De cancer. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/closedeyes.gif)
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post May 19 2009, 03:48 PM
Post #4


Mda, si eu sunt sceptica in multe privinte. Dar totusi nu putem sa trecem cu vedere ca s-au inmultit cazurile de cancer ingrijorator. Ceva in modul nostru de viata tot are o influenta.
Si exista si cazuri de cancer vindecate spontan, prin autosugestie sau naiba stie prin ce. Oare care o fi explicatia pentru astea?
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post May 19 2009, 04:31 PM
Post #5


La mai toate bolile posibile exista cazuri de vindecare spontana, dar nu cred ca-s nici 1% din cazuri.
In general sunt bune sfaturile lui, dar poti avea traiul cel mai sanatos cu putinta, daca ai gena cancerului tot esti mai periclitat decat unul care n-o are si mananca o data pe saptamana la McDonalds.
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post May 19 2009, 06:00 PM
Post #6


Nu ma indoiesc catusi de putin ca stresul e la baza majoritatii bolilor. In primul rand pentru ca ne macina celule nervoase si sistemul imunitar. Insa de acolo si pana la a impleti o poveste cum ca boala asta, cancerul, este de fapt un mod de aparare a organismului impotriva stresului ...
Nu sunt doctor sa pot sa-mi dau seama cat din ce spune omul asta este viabil si cat nu... Si putem noi acum sa stam mult si bine si sa ne dam cu parerea sa fim sau nu de accord ca pana in momentul in care nu te trezesti ca te lupti cu boala asta nu poti sti ce vei face atunci si pe ce cale sa apuci. Eu sincer ma indoiesc ca voi avea credinta asta asa de mare incat sa refuz chimeoterapia sau operatia si sa ma gandesc ca de fapt corpul meu se apara si sa-l las sa se apere singur (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) .
Colega mea de apartament, medic rezident, imi povestea intr-o zi despre un pacient care a fost diagnosticat cu cancer, i s-a spus ca trebuie sa faca tratament bla bla si el nu o vrut ... Nu o vrut sa creada, o fi crezut ca nu are sens sa se lupte cu boala asta .. nu se stie, a refuzat tratametul si a plecat linistit la el acasa. S-a reintors dupa vreo 2 ani si acum nu prea mai au ce sa-i faca ... asteapta sa se duca. Colega spune ca daca el ar fi ramas atunci cand a fost diagnosticat si ar fi facut tratamet, s-ar fi operat sau mai stiu eu ce ar fi avut sanse sa se vindece.. sau macar sa-si prelungeasca mult viata. Tu ce ai fi ales sa faci? Nu ai cum sa raspunzi la intrebarea asta.
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+Quote Post
post May 19 2009, 10:58 PM
Post #7


Kalua nu inteleg treaba asta cu "gena cancerului" . Exista o gena a cancerului? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/zapacitul.gif)

Scorpi stiu ce zici, nici eu nu cred ca as avea incredere in sisteme alternative. dar nici in medici nu mai am ca sunt patita (IMG:style_emoticons/default/closedeyes.gif) Eu am f mare incredere in general in capacitatea organismului de a se apara singur, ca stiu ca e cel mai inteligent sistem ever organismul nostru asa ca nu vad de ce ar face ceva ca sa se autoextermine daca nu ar fi puternic agresat din exterior.
Eu cand am avut rana pe col am reufuzat sa mi-o cauterizez desi 3 medici ma sfatuisera sa fac asta, am cautat al 4-lea care mi-o zis ce am vrut io sa aud si iaca m-am vindecat si de vreo 3-4 ani nu mai am nici o problema de genu. La fel am facut si cand am avut chisturi micute la ovare. Cand insa am avut o taietura mai mare la deget si am vazut ca sangele nu se opreste si pace m-am dus la spital sa ma coase ca nu am avut deloc incredere ca o sa se opreasca la un moment dat (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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+Quote Post
post May 19 2009, 11:18 PM
Post #8


Da, exista si se mosteneste. Cunoscute sunt pana acum numai pentru anumite forme de cancer la san, intestinal, tiroidian si unul la ochi la copii. Cam 10% din cazuri sunt la formele astea de cancer sunt mostenite prin gena asta.
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post May 20 2009, 01:41 AM
Post #9


Group: V.I.P.
Posts: 6,061
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From: Montreal
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da din pacate cu gena asa este. Aici cand deschizi un dosar medical, mereu intreaba de istoria medicala a familiei pt ca in mod cert are relevanta
de exemplu cancerul de colon, apoi la femei cancerul la san, la barbati cel la prostata

mama a fost operata de cancer la san in '97 si cu ea in salon erau alte 7 femei cu acelasi diagnostic, parea o epidemie.

Revenind la abordarea asta care desigur pare SF pt ca e ''prea din cale-afara''
Imi povestea demult un prieten despre o carte (nu mai stiu daca era medicina/terapie tibetana) in care era dat si exemplul unui om care s-a vindecat singur. Cum?
Si-a vizualizat in minte tumoarea si s-a imaginat un demolator miniatural, cu ''dalta si ciocan'' care demoleaza incet, dar sigur tumoarea. Cert este ca puterea mintii umane nu se poate contesta, in rest ramane sa vedem valabilitatea acestei teorii cu exemple concrete (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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+Quote Post
post May 20 2009, 08:24 AM
Post #10


Pai genetica este viitorul in medicina .. eu asa am inteles.

Daca treaba asta ar fi dovedita, Cleo, o gramada de medicamente foarte scumpe nu s-ar mai vinde (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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