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> Intoleranta la gluten si lactoza, Ce se poate face?
post Oct 5 2007, 09:15 PM
Post #1


Group: Tratabil
Posts: 135
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buna seara
sunt tare suparata pentru ca astazi copilul meu(6ani)a fost diagnosticat cu "intoleranta secundara la lactoza".se pare ca este si la gluten,dar pe biletul de iesire din spital scria doar la lactoza.oricum,regimul recomandat este fara gluten.banuiam mai de mult asta,pentru ca nu lua in greutate,avea scaune numeroase si nedigerate,anemie...
in probele de digestie a aparut amidon si grasimi.scriu aici pentru ca sunteti informate,sunt si medici printre voi,si poate imi dati mai multe lamuriri.nu despre boala in sine,pentru ca am citit deja multe despre ea,ci daca aceste probe de digestie confirma si diag.de "intoleranta la gluten".oricum trecem pe regim,dar as vrea sa stiu daca ar fi necesar sa-i mai fac si alte analize pentru a fi sigura.
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post Oct 5 2007, 09:46 PM
Post #2

Fondator eLady.ro

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Dona, (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) imi pare tare rau... din ce oras esti?
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post Oct 5 2007, 10:39 PM
Post #3


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oh,din nordul Moldovei.la Iasi mergem la specialisti.
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post Oct 5 2007, 10:55 PM
Post #4

Fondator eLady.ro

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La Sfanta Maria in Iasi erau medici buni, chiar foarte buni... in mod sigur o sa iti spuna daca mai e nevoie sa faci si alte teste.

Daca stii engleaza, poate te ajuta ce e mai jos:

"Anti-gliadin antibodies: A sensitive test for gluten sensitivity. Even gluten-intolerant patients not suffering from the overt syndrome of celiac sprue can suffer abdominal bloating or pain, diarrhea, constipation, gaseousness, or acid reflux. Other symptoms include chronic sinusitis, asthma, skin disorders, fatigue, joint pains, mouth ulcers, bone pain, osteoporosis, iron deficiency anemia, abnormal menses in women, and infertility. Because gluten triggers immune system problems, any autoimmune disease, including those affecting the nervous system like MS or peripheral neuropathy, can be related to gluten intolerance. In susceptible individuals, gluten may even set the stage for certain cancers."

Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant amounts of lactose, the major sugar found in milk. Lactose intolerance is caused by a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into two simpler forms of sugar called glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. Not all people deficient in lactose have the symptoms commonly associated with lactose intolerance, but those who do are said to have lactose intolerance.

People sometimes confuse lactose intolerance with cow’s milk intolerance because the symptoms are often the same. However, lactose intolerance and cow’s milk intolerance are not related. Being intolerant to cow’s milk is an allergic reaction triggered by the immune system. Lactose intolerance is a problem caused by the digestive system.

People who do not have enough lactase to digest the amount of lactose they consume may feel very uncomfortable when they digest milk products. Common symptoms, which range from mild to severe, include nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Symptoms begin about 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating or drinking foods containing lactose. The severity of symptoms depends on many factors, including the amount of lactose a person can tolerate and a person’s age, ethnicity, and digestion rate.

Lactose intolerance can be hard to diagnose based on symptoms alone. People sometimes think they suffer from lactose intolerance because they have the symptoms associated with the disorder, not knowing other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome can cause similar symptoms. A doctor can use tests to diagnose lactose intolerance but may first recommend eliminating cow’s milk from the diet to see if the symptoms go away.

The most common tests used to measure the absorption of lactose in the digestive system are the lactose tolerance, hydrogen breath, and stool acidity tests.

* The Lactose Tolerance Test. This test requires fasting (not eating) before the test and then drinking a liquid that contains lactose. Several blood samples are then taken over a 2-hour period to measure the person’s blood glucose (blood sugar) level. These measures indicate how well the body is able to digest lactose.

Normally, when lactose reaches the digestive system, the lactase enzyme breaks it down into glucose and galactose. The liver then changes the galactose into glucose, which enters the bloodstream and raises the person’s blood glucose level. If, however, lactose is incompletely broken down, the blood glucose level does not rise and a diagnosis of lactose intolerance is confirmed.

* The Hydrogen Breath Test. This test measures the amount of hydrogen in a person’s breath. Very little hydrogen is normally detectable. However, undigested lactose in the colon is fermented by bacteria and produces various gases, including hydrogen. The hydrogen is absorbed from the intestines, carried through the bloodstream to the lungs, and exhaled. In this test, the person drinks a lactose-loaded beverage and the breath is analyzed at regular intervals. Raised levels of hydrogen in the breath indicate improper digestion of lactose. Certain foods, medications, and cigarettes can affect the accuracy of the test and should be avoided before taking the test. People should check with their doctor to make sure they are not taking medications that may interfere with test results.

The lactose tolerance and hydrogen breath tests are not given to infants younger than 6 months of age. A large lactose load can be dangerous prior to this age, as infants are more likely to become dehydrated from diarrhea that can be caused by lactose intolerance.

* Stool Acidity Test. This test may be used for infants and young children to measure the amount of acid in their stool. Undigested lactose fermented by bacteria in the colon creates lactic acid and other fatty acids that can be detected in a stool sample. Glucose may also be present in the sample as a result of unabsorbed lactose in the colon.

Some causes of lactose intolerance are well known. Primary lactase deficiency is a condition that develops over time. After about age 2 the body begins to produce less lactase, though most people will not notice symptoms until they are much older.

Secondary lactase deficiency occurs when injury to the small intestine or certain digestive diseases reduce the amount of lactase a person produces. These diseases include celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease.

Researchers have identified a genetic link for lactose intolerance. Some people are born with a likelihood of developing primary lactase deficiency because it has been passed to them genetically (inherited from their parents). This discovery may be useful in developing a diagnostic test to identify people with the condition.

Lactose intolerance is easy to treat. No treatment can improve the body’s ability to produce lactase, but symptoms can be controlled through diet.

Young children and infants with lactase deficiency should not consume lactose-containing formulas or foods until they are able to tolerate lactose digestion. Most older children and adults do not have to avoid lactose completely, but people differ in the amounts and types of foods they can handle. For example, one person may have symptoms after drinking a small glass of milk, while another can drink one glass but not two. Others may be able to manage ice cream and aged cheeses, such as cheddar and Swiss, but not other dairy products. People can also tolerate more lactose by having smaller amounts of it at one time. The level of dietary control needed with lactose intolerance depends on how much lactose a person’s body can handle.

For those who react to very small amounts of lactose or have trouble limiting their intake of foods that contain it, the lactase enzyme is available without a prescription to help people digest foods that contain lactose. The tablets are taken with the first bite of dairy food. Lactase enzyme is also available as a liquid. Adding a few drops of the enzyme makes lactose more digestible for people with lactose intolerance.

Lactose-reduced milk and other products are available at most supermarkets. The milk contains all of the nutrients found in regular milk and remains fresh for about the same length of time, or longer if it is super-pasteurized.

Even though lactose intolerance is common, it is not a threat to good health. People who have trouble digesting lactose can learn which dairy products and other foods they can eat without discomfort and which ones they should avoid. Many people can enjoy milk, ice cream, and other such products if they eat them in small amounts or eat other food at the same time. Others can use lactase liquid or tablets to help digest the lactose. Even older women at risk for osteoporosis and growing children who must avoid milk and foods made with milk can meet most of their dietary needs by eating greens, fish, and other calcium-rich foods that are free of lactose. A carefully chosen diet, with calcium supplements if the doctor or dietitian recommends them, is the key to reducing symptoms.
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Pricope Elena
post Mar 16 2011, 06:52 PM
Post #5


Group: Contaminat
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Buna ziua.
Sunt o mamica din Suceava si de curand am intrat in randul vostru, al parintilor cu copii celiaci. Fetita mea are 1 an si 6 luni. Inca nu stiu sigur daca are aceasta boala deoarece pe iesirea de la spitalul Sfanta Maria din Iasi scrie sindrom de malabsorbtie si Hipotrofie staturo-ponderala. Oare ce inseamna, ca medicul din Iasi domnul profesor Burlea nu ne-a dat foarte multe detalii. Doar regim glutenopriv, Kreon, Fier si sa revin la control peste 2 luni. Va rog foarte mult daca ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva. depistarea nu s-a facut prin biopsie deoarece e prea mica si nu cred ca ar sta. Spun asta deoarece a trebuit sa stea vreo 3 zile in perfuzii si la inceput in prima zi nu a stat decat sedata. Si de anestezie generala imi este frica. Nu stiu ce sa mai fac. Sunt nervoasa si disperata. Nu stiu ce sa ii mai dau de mancare deoarece e foarte mofturoasa si pretentioasa la mancare. Nici nu mananca foarte mult si daca nu ii place nici atat scuipa tot. Am dat si eu o comanda la Bacau dar acolo nu au decat paine si dulciuri. Ce as putea sa ii mai dau de mancare?? Ce le dati voi copiilor. As vrea foarte mult sa schimbam impresii si pareri cu mame aflate in situatia mea. fetita mea are foarte mari dureri de burtica. Se tine mereu cu mana de burtica si duce orice obiect in acea zona apasand pe ea. Chiar si mana mea o apasa pe burtica ei. problema fetitei mele a aparut in jurul varstei de 1 an. Pana atunci ea racea foarte des si medicul meu de familie imi recomanda mereu antibiotice dar fara sa ma indrume sa ii dau biotix. Apoi au inceput durerile de burtica si le-am pus pe seama luarii antibioticelor fara o protectie. Dar ele au continuat, a inceput sa faca si diaree cu toate ca ea pana atunci era constipata. Medicii de la Suceava au spus ca are Enterocolita. Am urmat regim pe baza de lapte fara lactoza orez fiert si piure de morcovi etc. Scaunul s-a normalizat dar durerile de burtica nu. Am facut ecografe, analize si nimic i-a iasit ca ar fi alergica medicul alergolog a spus ca e predispusa la a face astm. Am continuat cu vizite pe la toti medicii din Suceava; Spanu, Longher si Ignatescu dar degeaba nimeni nu le dadea de capat acelor dureri de burtica. Pana am fost la recomandarea medicului de familie la Iasi la domnul profesor Burlea. Dumnealui mi-a recomandat sa ne internam o saptamana pentru investigatii si la prima impresie a spus ca are reflux. Am uitat sa mentionez ca a inceput si sa vomite. La analize a iesit prezenta amidonului. Acum nu stiu ce sa mai fac cu ea. Dureri de burta tot are cu toate ca de o saptamana tinem regim. Poate nu e bun regimul? Nu stiu nici ce sa ii mai dau. Orezul nu ii place. Ce ma sfatuiti?? Va rog sa ma ajutati si pe mine cu niste sfaturi. Va multumesc si scuzati greselile nu prea ma lasa cea mica sa stau la calc. Elena din Suceava. Numai bine tuturor
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