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> Tulburarile comportamentale la copii, simptome, efectul asupra familiei, (ne)integrare sociala
post Sep 5 2007, 04:53 PM
Post #1


De ceva vreme ma tot gandesc la problemele cumva de natura psihiatrica pe care unele familiii le au cu copiii lor.
Tocmai am urmarit un minireportaj cu asemenea copii: exemplu Jy, 2,5 ani, crescut de o mama toleranta si singura in Anglia, intrucat tatal, surfer australian e prea preocupat la el in tara. Copilul permanent tipa, urla, nu vrea sa faca nimic din ce-i zice mama, se enerveaza la cel mai mic detaliu si incepe sa dea cu picioarele in ea si cu pumnii, facand-o stupid bitch si repetand de 25 de ori cuvantul f*ck intr-un interval de 10 minute, fara ca mama sa fie agresiva verbal, sa zicem ca a invatat de la ea, nu.
Alt caz: o familie cu un baietel de 4,5 ani si 2 frati gemeni de 2,5 ani. Gemenii urla constant, plang isteric cand mama se indeparteaza- familia praf- paintii se cearta constant si permanent, fratele cuminte mai mare e neglijat.
In al treilea caz era prezentata o fetita, 2,5 ani, care s-a invatat sa planga isteric sa obtina tot ce vrea, mama si tatal nu mai au timp de ei 2 deloc intrucat fetita nu vrea sa doarma si pace singura, ii impinge pe ceilalti copii, e tot timpul mofturoasa.
Desi in aceste cazuri, clar si parintii au o vina de extrema toleranta fata de odorul lor, unii copii au niste reactii dincolo de cele normale, au o agresivitate exacerbata sau o strategie lacrimogena de-a dreptul perversa.
Odata cu ridicarea acestei probleme tin sa ridic si problema cazurilor etichetate cu ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) sau in romana THDA (tulburare hiperkinetica si deficit de atentie). Acest sindrom poate afecta copilul foarte mult si se poate prelungi la adult cu serioase repercusiuni asupra vietii personale si sociale ale acestuia. Se presupune ca ar fi genetic transmis si ar avea radacini neurobiologice, dar si ca ar putea fi dobandit in timpul sarcinii, in conditii inalte de neurotoxicitate- consumul mamei de tutun, alcool, droguri, contactul cu metale grele, plumb, mercur.
Simptomele se caracterizeaza prin o neatentie sporita, impulsiviate, hiperactivitate, toate la un nivel mult crescut, imagine negativa de sine, sentiment de inferioritate, slaba socializare. Acestea sunt insotite adesea de dislexie, tulburari afective-depresia- si tulburari anxioase.
E foarte important de a trage un semnal de alarma, caci sunt familii care nu fac fata unor astfel de copii si nu realizeaza ca sunt probleme majore de status mintal.
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post Sep 7 2007, 08:51 AM
Post #11


Group: Editorialist
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From: Craiova
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Si eu cred ca de vina sunt parintii.Nu zic ca nu or fi si diferite afectiuni,insa in majoritatea cazurilor parintii sunt vinovati pentru ca nu stiu sa ii educe.
Vad in jurul meu fel de fel de copii,care au 4-5-6 ani si care fac numa ce vor ei:urla,tipa,trantesc,lovesc,iar cei mari spun "Nu am ce sa ii fac"!
Ba ai,dar nu vrei! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/mad.gif)
Aaa,iar in emisiunea aia se dovedeste ca odraslele pot fi educate,daca parintii stiu ce sa le faca!
Super emisiune (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 7 2007, 09:18 AM
Post #12


Usor nu e de gasit calea de mijloc, si in unele carti am gasit sfaturi dintr-astea sa explici copilului de ce nu are voie sa faca asta sau cealalta, chestie care nu e buna (am simtit-o pe pielea mea: tot ii explicam copilului de 2 ani care-i treaba, copilu' tot pe-a lui. Pana mi-am dat seama ca intre noi doua eu sunt bossul (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) si ca fiica-mea pur si simplu trebuie sa faca sau sa nu faca niste chestii pe care le spun eu, fara multe explicatii. Caz rezolvat).
Sa educi copiii ca n-au drept de apel tot nu-i bine, au senzatia ca nu-s importanti si iubiti. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/zapacitul.gif)
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post Sep 7 2007, 09:23 AM
Post #13


Group: Editorialist
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From: Craiova
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Pai da,ca degeaba iti bati tu capul sa ii explici la pusti care are2 ani si nici nu vorbeste bine.
Dr deja dupa ce incepe sa vorbeasca poti sa ii explici si sa vorbesti cu el.
Mie mi se pare foarte buna faza cu pedepsele.Nu bataie!Pedepse,dar pe care copiii sa priceapa de ce le incaseaza,care sa fie aplicate,dar nu exagerat (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
E greu intr-adevar!
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post Sep 7 2007, 09:28 AM
Post #14


La doi ani te poti intelege cu copiii si verbal. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Sep 7 2007, 09:34 AM
Post #15


Group: Editorialist
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From: Craiova
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Nu zic ca nu se paote,dar e mai greu (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
E mult mai usor sa ii explici unui copil de 4-5 ani decat unuia de 2 ani.
Acum,sigur,s-ar putea sa ma insel ca inca nu-s trecuta prin asta (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 7 2007, 09:56 AM
Post #16


Normal, poke, altfel vorbeste copilul si intelege la 5 ani. Si-i bine sa-i spui si de ce nu are de facut ceva, dar scurt si la obiect, explicatiile din astea interminabile pana zice si copilul ca a inteles despre ce-i vorba nu-si au rostul.
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Master of Norule...
post Sep 7 2007, 05:23 PM
Post #17


Group: Membru de Onoare
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Asa-i cum zice kalua la parinte e puterea, copilul tot incearca sa-l jongleze pe parinte dar parintele trebuie sa fie ferm pe pozitie. Dar mai sunt si bunicii care din comoditate din lipsa de rabdare fac ce vrea copilul si apoi ti se pare ca trebuie s-o iei de la capat.
Un copil de 2 ani intelege ce-i spui doar ca daca nu-i convine se face ca nu intelege, el vrea sa fac ce vrea el si de aici lupta.
Si cu calea de mijloc e destul de greu, cateodata nu stii cat sa-l lasi si cat nu.Daca il lasi prea mult nu e bine dar nici daca il lasi prea putin tot nu-i bine.
Eu cred ca totusi copiii in functie de parinte stiu cam cat pot intinde coarda.
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post Sep 7 2007, 05:49 PM
Post #18


Alte apucaturi in care parintii nu prea centreaza ca model pentru prostul obicei insa pot fi cei care sa impiedice disconfortul provocat de tendinta copiilor de a cere atentie.

Fairfax, Va.: I have a 15-month-old son who constantly bites. My husband and I are his favorite targets, but he has also gone after his daycare providers and other children. He has been doing this since he was about 8 months old, and nothing we do to stop it has worked.
When he bites, we hold him away from us, hold his hands in front of him, and tell him "No, we don't bite." He gets quiet, hangs his head, and seems to understand that this his behavior is unacceptable, but as soon as we release him, he laughs and tries to bite again.
What can we do to teach him not to bite?
Tanya Byron: When he bites say "NO!" firmly then take him to the corner and face him into the corner holding him and looking away for one minute. Or you could put him on the bottom stair or in his room or on a beanbag in the corner. Hold him firmly if necessary, look away and ignore all crying and shouting. Then after a minute tell him if he bites again he will go back to the corner, room, stair and then get on with the day and praise all lovely behaviour. You current approach is not firm enough and seems to be a game for him from which he will not learn anything except that biting gets mummy or daddy's attention.

Northern Va.: We have a wonderful 4 year old girl -- bright, sweet and beautiful. The problem -- she gets very demanding when we return home from work/school. If I stop to go to the bathroom I hear yelling. If I answer the phone or try to make dinner I am constantly interrupted. I know a lot of kids have trouble with transitions, but it is so aggravating -- what can I do to make things smoother?

Tanya Byron: It is very important that you set some clear boundaries around your daughter's behaviour and that she understands them by there being clear consequences if they are not met. At four your daughter is old enough to process information about her behaviour (under the age of three less so as the frontal lobes of the brain are still developing and these are involved in social and emotional understanding, moral reasoning etc.)and so you need to clearly explain to her what she is doing that you are unhappy with and how you expect it to stop. Then explain to her that if she bothers you when you are getting on with a task or need to do something there will be an immediate consequence. I suggest at these times taking a favourite toy, putting it on a high shelf and telling her that she can't have it until you decide she is behaving better. If she screams and has a tantrum - ignore it. This is hard and you need nerves of steel but ignoring is a very powerful response and although will initially make the screaming worse as she demands your attention back, will soon if you are consistent with your ignoring, make the tantrum and demanding behaviour disappear. This is partciularly if you make sure you praise your daughter when she is behaving nicely so she clearly understands the best way to get your behaviour. So my advice is simply to be firm with your rules around behaviour and stick to them. Ask her twice to stop what she is doing: once nicely them once firmly with an authoritative tone of voice. If she stops, praose her. If she doesn't there must be an immediate consequence and then ignoring for the resultant tantrum. Over time she will learn when mummy and daddy mean no and also this is an important lesson in her young life especially as she begings to interact in larger social groupings such as playschool etc. Good luck!

sursa Washington Post
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post Sep 8 2007, 10:22 PM
Post #19


Group: V.I.P.
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apropo de bunici eu o am pe bunica-mea aici. deci e strabunica copilului. Rabdare are cat cuprinde problema e ca fii-mea face ce vrea cu ea si din cauza asta nu pot sa ma bazez pe ea cu nimic. Aici cel putin o data pe luna au "zile pedagogice" in care de regula ori au niste activitati in exterior pe care pe langa ca nu le gasesc interesante mai sunt si costisitoare. Si-atunci mai apelez la bunica-mea sa vina la noi. Din pacate n-are o influentza buna asupra copilului. Cateva zile dupa ce pleaca par o gheonoaie in comparatie cu ea (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) . Si degeaba-i spun ca nu-i e permis orice... parca as vorbi cu vantul

Cat despre articolul din ziar faine sfaturile si de bun simt, insa secretul e in fermitate. Daca n-o face parintele de fiecare data rezultatul nici nu apare si copilul va continua sa aiba un comportament extrem.

si eu am zis de multe ori, e greu de gasit linia aia care balanseaza perfect prietena si mama. Daca ne tragem prea tare de sireturi nu-i bine, daca suntem prea severe iar nu-i bine.
ooooff (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Master of Norule...
post Sep 8 2007, 10:32 PM
Post #20


Group: Membru de Onoare
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From: Flower power
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Numai mama sa nu fii (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) .
Si eu par la fel o scorpie dupa o vizita de-a bunicii, asa ca am mai rarit-o.
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